Johnson, Marilyn

The dead beat : lost souls, lucky stiffs, and the perverse pleasures of obituaries / Marilyn Johnson - New York : Harper Perennial, 2009. - 272 p. ; 23 cm.

1. I walk the dead beat --
2. A wake of obituarists --
3. Name that bit --
4. The mighty and the fallen of New York : --
The Irish sports pages --
The franchise --
Portraits of grief --
Goodbye! --
Attention must be paid --
5. Now you know --
6. Ordinary Joe --
7. The egalitarians --
8. Tributes --
9. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse : --
The obituary capital --
Boiled in oil, and other --
Terrible fates in the Daily Telegraph --
A few words about the code --
Following the Guardian into the mist --
An Independent bent --
Lives of the Times --
10. Googling death --
11. The obit writer's obit


History and criticism.

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